Plastics Live Ireland 2025 | RDS Arena, Dublin, Ireland | 26-27 November 2025

Colocated with:

Plastics Live Ireland 2025 | RDS Arena, Dublin, Ireland | 26-27 November 2025

Colocated with:

Terms & Conditions

 Admissions Policy 

• There is strictly no admittance to minors or anyone under-17, as we are not covered by insurance. Please make alternative childcare arrangements, there are no crèche facilities at the venue. • We recommend you bring a business card if you don’t register prior to the event. • PLASTICS LIVE IRELAND, reserve the right to reject admission of any individuals who are not deemed to be relevant industry professionals • By attending, visitors agree not to take part in any canvassing, leafleting, demonstrations, objectionable behaviour, or any activity which may disrupt the Event. Failure to adhere to this could result in being asked to leave the Event. • It is a requirement of entry that all visitors will register in their own name and display a valid visitor badge. Badge holders must not allow their badges to be worn by anyone else. Any failure to do this is likely to lead to the badge holder and the person wearing the badge being removed from the Event. • Please note that official photographers will be present at the Exhibition and Conference taking photographs. By attending the Event, visitors consent to such filming and photography and PLASTICS LIVE IRELAND, is entitled to use all videos and photographs of visitors, for marketing and promotional purposes in all or any media, without compensation or liability.

Data Privacy Policy 

• Details provided to PLASTICS LIVE IRELAND for the purpose of registration will be used to ensure that individuals are provided with relevant information relating to the event. • Data may be shared with third parties to ensure the provision of services deemed essential. Data shared for this reason will not be used to market any services or products without the consent of the individual • Individuals reserve the right to opt-out of communications from PLASTICS LIVE IRELAND, at any point in time. • Attendees to PLASTICS LIVE IRELANDwill have the option for their badges to be scanned in while visiting theatres or feature areas, by doing so they are consenting to their registration details being shared with the sponsor of the theatre / feature area, session or stream • By allowing an exhibitor to scan their badge during the event individuals are consenting to their registration details including email being shared with exhibitors

Website Policy 

These terms and conditions (the “Website Terms”) are the terms on which this website (the “Website”) is made available to you (“You”/”Your”). By accessing the Website you agree to be bound by these Website Terms.


1.1 We are Future Publishing Solutions Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 8043231 and our registered address is Future Publishing Solutions Ltd, First Floor Offices; 2-4 Swine Market; Nantwich; Cheshire; CW5 5AW United Kingdom (“We”/ “Us”/”Our”). Our VAT number is 134768492.

1.2 If you have any questions, complaints or comments on this Website then you may contact us at


2.1 Your use of the Website and its contents grants no rights to you in relation to our intellectual property rights including, without limitation, trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and text or the intellectual property of third parties in the Website and its contents.

2.2 You may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, record, transmit, commercially exploit, edit, communicate to the public or distribute in any way the services, web pages or materials on the Website or the computer codes of elements comprising the Website other than for

your own personal use. Subject to the above, you may download insubstantial excerpts of this content to your hard disk for the purpose of viewing it provided that no more than one copy of any information is made.

2.3 Any use other than that permitted under this clause 2 may only be undertaken with our prior express authorisation.

2.4 We do not encourage the submission of any confidential or proprietary information from you. Should you choose to submit information, text, photos, graphics or other content to us via the Website, you grant us a right to use (and waive any moral rights you may have in) such materials at Our own discretion including, without limitation, to edit, copy, reproduce, disclose, post and remove such materials from the Website. By submitting any such material to us you are representing that material as your own original work.


3.1 You may establish links to the Website provided: • You link only to the home page of the Website; • You do not remove or obscure, advertisements, the copyright notice or other notices on the Website; • You give us notice of such link by sending an e-mail message to us at and • You immediately stop providing links to the Website if notified by us.

3.2 We may provide links to other websites from time to time (via advertising or otherwise). These links are provided for your ease of reference and convenience only. We do not control such third party websites and are not responsible for their contents. Our inclusion of links does not imply any endorsement of the material contained in such websites or any association with their operators. You acknowledge that we will not be party to any transaction or contract with a third party that you may enter into and we shall not be liable to you in respect of any loss or damage which you may suffer by using those websites. You agree that you will not involve us in any dispute between you and the third party.


4.1 You agree that in using the Website You will not: • impersonate any other person or other entity or use a false name or a name that you are not authorised to use; • use the Website in any way that may lead to the encouragement, procurement or carrying out of any criminal activity; • transfer files that contain viruses, trojans or other harmful programs; • access or attempt to access the accounts of other users or to penetrate or attempt to penetrate the Website security measures; or • damage, disable or impair the operation of this Website.

4.2 We reserve the right to suspend, restrict or terminate your access to this Website at any time without notice at our discretion if we have reasonable grounds to believe You have breached any of the restrictions above.


5.1 You confirm that: • You are 17 years of age or older. Strictly no under 17s will be permitted to the event. • all information and details provided by you to us (including on registration) are true, accurate and up to date in all respects and at all times (note that you can update or correct your personal details at any time by amending your account details) or emailing us at and • You will comply with the restrictions on your use of the Website as set out in paragraph 4 and as set out elsewhere in these Website Terms.

5.2 You agree to compensate us for any claim made by or damages owed to (including any legal fees in relation to such claim or damages) a third party in respect of any matter in relation to or arising from

your use of the Website including any breach or suspected breach of these Website Terms or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.


6.1 Nothing in these Website Terms shall exclude or limit our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or negligence by our employees or agents.

6.2 We do not accept any liability for damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from your use of the Website and we cannot guarantee that any files that you download are free from viruses, contamination or destructive features.

6.3 Whilst we use all reasonable endeavours to correct any errors or omissions as soon as practicable once they have been brought to our attention, we do not promise that the information on the Website itself will be free from errors or omissions.

6.4 Although we endeavour to notify our users in advance of any service unavailability, we do not promise that the Website will be available uninterrupted and in a fully operating condition. Access to the Website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons reasonably beyond our control.

6.5 All content and services on the Website are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. We do not make any representation or give any promises (whether express or implied) in respect of the Website or its content, including, without limitation, any advice given (on a personal or general basis) and statements made by advertisers on or via the Website. Any decisions or action taken by you on the basis of information provided on or via the website are at your sole discretion and risk

6.6 Nothing in this clause 6 shall restrict your statutory rights (including your rights to receive a reasonable standard of service).

6.7 We are not responsible for: • losses not caused by our breach of this agreement; • any loss of profits or any indirect losses which are a side effect of the main loss or damage and which are not reasonably foreseeable by you and us at the time of entering into this agreement; or • failure to provide our services or to meet any of our obligations under this Agreement where such failure is due to any cause beyond our reasonable control which prevents us from providing our services or fulfilling any of our other obligations under this Agreement and includes but is not limited to fire, flood, storm, riot, civil disturbance, war, nuclear accident, terrorist, pandemic activity and acts of God.


7.1 You must read our privacy and cookie policy which contains important information about the use of your personal data and other information regarding your privacy and our security processes and policies.

7.2 We will co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of or locate anyone for the prevention or detection of crime or the apprehension or prosecution of offenders. There may be other circumstances in which we may be required by law to disclose information about you or your use of the Website.

8. CHANGES TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our services and this Website. We therefore reserve the right to amend these Website Terms at any time. All such changes will take effect once they have been posted on the Website and you will be deemed to have accepted any such changes by your use of the Website from such time.


9.1 We may wish to transfer our rights or obligations or sub-contract our obligations under this Agreement to another other legal entity. You agree that we may do so provided that this will not adversely affect the standard of service you receive under this Agreement

9.2 In the case of transfer only, after we notify you of the date on which we will transfer our rights and obligations under this Agreement to another legal entity, your only rights under or in connection with this Agreement will be against the new legal entity and not against us.

9.3 This Agreement is personal to you. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else.

10. SEVERENCE If any provision of these Website Terms is found by a court or a regulator to be invalid or unenforceable the other provisions shall continue to apply.

11. WAIVER If you breach these Website Terms and we take no action against you, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these Website Terms.

12. TERMINATION We reserve the right to decline a new registration, terminate your right to link to the Site, remove you as a user of this Site, and/or prevent any further use if you violate any of the Website Terms.

13. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION In the event of any dispute between you and us concerning these Website Terms or the Service Terms, the laws of England will apply. If you wish to take court proceedings against us you must do so within England.

These Website Terms were last updated on 3rd July, 2024

© Future Publishing Solutions Limited